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Straight From the Mouth
The Morning Mouth's October Interview with Dave, Ken & Molly
(Reprinted by permission; Copyright © 2007 Talentmasters Inc.)
Background check:
Dave Sposito: I started at a classic rock here in Spokane in the early 80's... it then turned into CHR KZZU. I worked at an active rock here, then moved to Texas, North Dakota, Colorado and New York doing all kinds of different things from play by play sports to news and mornings. I left New York (NESE radio network) to come back to Spokane 15 years ago. I love this area and we have a really good thing going right now. I also have my real estate license so I have been enjoying that, too. My wife of ten years (Judi) is in TV sales. I have one daughter at Washington State University and two little ones, Samantha (who just turned 10) and David (age 6). In so many ways I believe I am the luckiest guy in the world. Let me add, "Ratings here have really never been better and I think is the best management team we have ever our newest radio GM and he has been really good for us.
Before I go any further, you're famous for your Tom Brokaw impersonation. Three part question: How long did it take you to develop it? 2) Did Tom ever call you out? And 3) Most outrageous bit you ever did using his voice.
I actually started doing it about 20 years ago and it did get a lot better over the years. We had Oprah, President Bush (41), Diane Sawyer, Goldie Hawn, Regis, Jay Leno and David Letterman all on the show with us because of the Brokaw thing. Katie Couric and the late Peter Jennings were two people that were on with us A LOT because they liked when I would do that voice for them. I have never personally spoke to the real Mr. Brokaw, but he has talked to our GM and I've heard from many others that he is very aware of what I did. I hardly ever do it anymore. I sure wish he would come out of retirement!
Do you do other voices? Is there a voice you came close to doing, but were never able to get it where you wanted?
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Who else on-air does impersonations that impresses you?
Mike Esparza (The Mikey Show, SD) was my producer when we worked in New York together and he ALWAYS made me laugh. He could/can do anyone. Also Molly (from our show )is great. I know no other person that could do Sean Connery one minute and Jan Brady the next.
Molly: Mike O'Meara (Don and Mike)
Ken: Mike O'Meara
Shows you listen to to fire up your creative juices.... Probably Ace and TJ. Their phoner ideas are always very clever. I love to hear (Kidd) Kraddick too. He mentored so many of us over the years. He helped me (and I'm sure others) in ways he'd never know.
The bit that God will ask you about on judgment day?
Let's just say there were some famous people that thought Tom Brokaw was really calling them.
Molly: It's mostly what I say in the studio when the mics are off... he'll have lots of questions.
TV shows you won't miss?
Dave: I believe The Office is the best show on television. I love that. I'll also watch "Dancing With The Stars."
Ken: House, Office, Daily Show, Grey's Anatomy
How long does it take you to put together a show?
Dave: So much of what we are doing now is storytelling and those are most memorable segments of the show. Plus, we network with other shows.
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Dave: Randy Lane isn't an official "executive," but I think he is the best in the business at what he does... It's always good to hear from him.
Ken: Tracy Johnson/Does Mark Cuban still count?
Shows you listen to to fire up your creative juices?
Ken: Podcast of Mancow just for the energy, John Jay & Rich, Dave Ryan.
One day with any jock in Radio, who would it be?
Ken: Seacrest, just to see how many actual freakin' hours are in a day.
If Britney Spears called your show tomorrow, what would be your top 3 questions?
Ken: What's your biggest regret? Why did you turn down a chance to sing with Justin? Have your friends thrown an intervention yet?
Most underated show on the air?
Dave: Kevin and Virginia in West Palm and Matt McAllister in Santa Barbara... those guys are great.
Stunt/bit that got out of control?
Molly: Dave called Rick Rockwell as Tom Brokaw and he sued us and Rick Rockwell yelled at me. Yes, Rick Rockwell yelled at me. What ever happened to Rick Rockwell?
MSBC turns 20 next year. What would you consider the "ultimate" session?
Dave: I love all those career building sessions that give out information not just about the show and bits... but about career and life stuff.
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